Welcome to APEX Advocacy

We are incredibly excited to introduce you to APEX Advocacy!

Apex Advocacy is a brand new non-profit organization that advocates for veganism and animal rights and raises awareness of the impact animal oppression has on our entire society.

Founded by Christopher “Soul” Eubanks, APEX consists of an international and interdisciplinary team of passionate advocates eager to contribute to animal, human, and earth liberation. We combine our diverse backgrounds, skills, and life experiences to do our best work for animal protection, equality, and intersectionality.


The purpose of APEX is to advocate against all forms of animal exploitation and discrimination and to promote a vision and lifestyle that opposes all injustices inflicted upon animals, humans, and the earth. Our mission is to help people connect to the reality that nonhuman animals are one of the most oppressed, marginalized, and brutally ignored groups. Our work is based on solidarity with all sentient beings who have been marginalized, human and nonhuman alike.

We include animals in our efforts to build a just society. We are unapologetic, professional, vegan abolitionists eager in our struggle against the structures of oppression that exploit animals. Together we can help create a world where all beings have access to a reasonably good and autonomous life. 


APEX was born out of the desire to create a platform for vegans of color and ambitious animal rights projects. We believe in the importance of expanding the vegan and animal rights movement by including, involving, and appealing to the vast global majority and work towards building a more diverse animal rights movement. Veganism and animal rights advocacy have been associated with whiteness for far too long, ignoring the fact that BIPOC are pioneers of social change and that animal liberation and human liberation are closely interlinked. We resist the colonial notion that veganism is white and work to embrace and amplify diverse voices of the vegan movement. The animal rights movement cannot and should not be disconnected and operate in isolation. We want you to know that there is a space for you. 


We draw attention to the intersections between the oppression of animals and other marginalized communities. The structures of oppression that exploit animals are also in place to oppress humans and the earth. No instance of injustice can be genuinely understood and advocated against without acknowledging that they are all deeply interconnected. To change the position of animals in our society, we must change society itself and abolish all structures that produce forms of inequality. We are inclusive, intersectional, and determined to raise awareness of the impact animal oppression has on our entire society.

You’ll see APEX create artistic animal rights content, launch unique campaigns and organize inclusive and effective grassroots activism for the liberation of and in solidarity with all sentient beings, human and nonhuman alike. A new day in animal rights begins.

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It’s Indigenous Peoples’ Day